From the recording FEAR NOT THE JOURNEY

We were at BSA talking with Beckie Simmons when Glen Bates came in. "I want you to hear this."  With his guitar in hand, he sang the song that had been completed about 10 minutes before....We were captured by the time he completed singing the first chorus. And then came the first lines of the second verse that so simply paints the picture of where mercy can raise you from... "If you feel that there's no hope, you've gone one sin too far, And the Devil tells you you're not worth a dime; Well, the one who died on Calvary, and opened up the gate, Still can turn the water into wine."....We had to spread the GOOD NEWS with this song. What comfort it brings!  Encouragement!  There IS "HOPE FOR ALL MANKIND...AS LONG AS MERCY FLOWS."


As long as mercys flows,
Sin will be forgiven.
There'll be an open door to Heaven
And hope for all mankind.
Jesus suffered all the guilt and pain
We'll never have to know.
And we can go on living
As long as mercy flows.